When it comes to front-runners in rocks, gems and crystals, Jeremy Stiles, owner of Mountain’s Edge Rocks & Minerals in Divide, Colorado, points to the unbroken geode as being a best seller. The allure is that kids break them open to reveal the jagged, sparkling mineral formations within, he says.
“It used to be the tumbled stones where the kids put them in a bag and that’s still a great product,” he says. “But the unbroken natural geode is hands down the highest-selling product of the rock industry.”
Angel Aura and Rainbow Aura treated products are also gaining traction. These rocks and crystals are infused with precious metals that use heat and pressure to coat the outside layer of the mineral, which essentially creates a rainbow hue. Stiles notes that Angel Aura is probably a little more popular of the two, as it has platinum and silver infused into the specimens, while the Rainbow Aura is titanium infused.
“It gives a real pearlescent glow to something like quartz or amethyst, agate or anything,” he says. “I would say this is kind of a new fun one for people to play with.”