Dec. 23, 2019
Scott C. Borowsky

The start of a new year is an ideal time to show appreciation for all of the people who assist you in making your business the best it can be. Now is a great opportunity to recognize your staff and vendors for all they do, from creating displays that generate interest and providing top-notch customer service, to keeping you informed about which products are likely to be solid additions to your merchandise mix and offering you fair wholesale prices.

Souvenirs, Gifts & Novelties (SGN) is here to help you and your staff in the New Year and beyond. In eight editions a year, along with ads for many of the top vendors in the industry, the magazine offers valuable original articles that will keep you tuned in to current trends and thinking in the retail industry. We accomplish this valuable service by contracting a team of talented writers to interview your colleagues all over the United States and craft original stories covering all aspects of doing business in today’s retail climate.

This first issue of the year is full of good ideas and tips. In a special gifts and home décor section, we offer stories about décor gifts at museum stores, Native American merchandise, gift sales at gift stores, and candle trends at candle stores. And in a personal care at coastal stores feature, we cover trends in soaps and lotions including a bonus sidebar article on the best-selling soap scents.

Pet gifts are covered in a special look at pet boutiques, and our apparel section is packed with interesting articles, including pieces on popular fashions at independent stores for adults and babies, and apparel and gift sales at resorts. Quality gifts at hospital stores are also covered, as well as more expensive gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Don’t miss the interesting coverage of gift sales at botanical gardens, and how country stores are profiting from snack and candy sales. We also offer a look at gift finds at pharmacies, florists and hardware stores.

Jewelry is a category-crossing item, as jewelry is sold as both souvenirs and as treasured gifts. In this issue, we cover jewelry trends at jewelry stores and college stores. And, in a special Zoo Retail section, we examine the souvenir picture, while in the party store report, we explore which occasions and merchandise keep these outlets successful.

I hope you enjoy the issue. Please call 610-645-6940 ext. 0, email or visit SGN on Facebook to offer your comments and suggestions, and I will respond to your note or call personally.

Scott C. Borowsky
President and Executive Editor
Souvenirs, Gifts & Novelties magazine