Scott C. Borowsky

Your vendors, whether a large concern supplying you with mass-produced souvenirs or a local artist crafting jewelry and accessories, are important business partners as you strive to make your store a place for guests to browse and buy. Don’t let the right merchandise elude you. In this issue we aim to help you make connections with new vendors with our 2018-2019 Buyer’s Reference Guide. This annual feature is a list of advertisers that includes their contact information, and also a selection of non-advertisers. It is our hope that by bringing these vendors to your attention, your business and customers will benefit. 

Trade shows are another great way to make new connections with the companies that could elevate the performance of your operation. Our sales staff is in constant contact with many of the major trade show companies, and in this issue we offer our readership special editorial sections devoted to three of these businesses. The sections offer targeted stories, product news and more.  Stop by and see our staff members at the trade shows, and make sure and pick up a copy of the magazine in the distribution bins. 

In each issue of SGN, we also seek to entertain and inform our readership, covering everything from current industry merchandise trends and display to preventing theft and buying the right goods. For example, in the quick-read display story “Making Space for Sales – Display Tips for Shops Big and Small at Zoos and Aquariums” our Contributing Writer Hilary Danailova discussed how different retail spaces call for tailored approaches to display. The article includes the bonus sidebar “What Is Your Favorite Display Piece and Why?”

We also hope you enjoy reading in this issue about apparel, jewelry, signs, toys, beach items, souvenirs, home décor pieces and much more that are offered in a wide array of store types, including beach, resort, zoo, toy, boutique, inspirational, botanical garden, waterpark, pharmacy, college, Hallmark, gift, baby, cave and others. 

I welcome your comments, questions or suggestions about the magazine. Please email me at or call 610-645-6940 ext. 0 and I will respond to you personally.

Scott C. Borowsky
President and Executive Editor
Souvenirs, Gifts & Novelties magazine
610-645-6940 ext. 0