A destination retailer’s bestselling products usually represent themes featured at their respective attraction. For zoo shops, merchandise tends to be driven by popular animal exhibits. People want souvenirs that feature animals they saw on their visit.
Watching for trends
Timeless bestselling jewelry might always tie to the most popular animal exhibits for zoo shops, but Meyer notes that these destination retailers shouldn’t ignore trends in pop culture to consider for their jewelry.“Hearts, yin/yang and crystal point necklaces tend to do well across all venues,” he shares. “That’s not necessarily specific to zoos, but those things are popular in teen culture so they sell well.”
Sustainable sellers
Since conservation efforts are key parts of the mission for many zoos, conservation-focused jewelry is often a hit for zoo retailers.“Conservation remains a key part of the mission of many zoos and aquariums,” says Meyer. “As long as it does, it’s important that they deliver to their guests items that are reflective of their commitment to helping improve animal- and sea-life.”