Kip Zsupnik, Sr., of Artistic Impressions Is Retiring

Kip and Kimberly Zsupnik.

Kip Zsupnik, Sr., CEO of Artistic Impressions in Montana, is retiring at the end of the year from the business he founded in 1989. Zsupnik’s wife Kimberly will be moving into the CEO role.

Artistic Impressions started in the basement of Zsupnik’s home when he traveled to arts and crafts show for three years, sometimes sleeping in his car, selling the porcelain jewelry and belt buckles his wife painted. When Zsupnik decided to go wholesale, picking up Disney and a few other big clients, Artistic Impressions was well on its way to becoming the multi-million dollar employers of over 70 that it is today with a focus on personalized products.

Sadly, Zsupnik’s first wife Julie had cancer. When she passed away, he sold the business and stepped away. He remarried to Kimberly, the business came up for sale, and he bought it back. Kimberly’s daughter and son-in-law also work for Artistic Impressions. Zsupnik’s son Kip, Jr., and grandson Turner also work in the gift industry.

Zsupnik was born and raised in Hawaii, and he plans to buy a home there and divide his time between Montana and Hawaii.