
The Home and Gift Industry Creates LIFELINE to Support Feeding America’s Natural Disaster Relief Efforts
The United States gift and home furnishings industry is responding to the essential needs of people affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and the California wildfires with LIFELINE, a national program to fund food and water provisions organized by Gift For Life and AmericasMart® Atlanta. Contributions will be distributed to people in need through and in association with Feeding America®, the nation’s largest hunger-relief charity.

Gift For Life is the partnership between the gift, home and stationery industries historically committed to raising funds supporting HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and education. AmericasMart Atlanta is the global wholesale marketplace serving gift and home furnishings retailers and designers from every U.S. state and more than 70 nations.

LIFELINE will channel monetary donations for the provision of food and water to communities impacted by the recent disasters through Feeding America member food banks. Donors can make tax-deductible credit card and e-check contributions via the secured LIFELINE page on Feeding America website Donations by check and cash will not be accepted.

AmericasMart Atlanta has initiated LIFELINE funding with a $40,000 donation and has issued a challenge to the gift and home furnishings community at large for donations in equal $40,000 increments. The challenge is effective through the 12-week LIFELINE run, which concludes January 12, 2018.

The LIFELINE donations page at the Feeding America website is live now at For more information and to access a LIFELINE Q & A resource guide, email